Water World Karimun Jawa Island

Karimun Jawa GateCentral north java have a another point for water world, The Karimun Jawa Island. to reach this spot actually little bit easy if we know the transportation and schedule for the ferry.

for accommodation in karimun jawa it’s not easy if we didn’t have any contact in that island, quite expensive for hotel, food and tour program. this is my experience in Karimun Jawa Island North Java.

Hotel above the water

wisma air

This the one of unique hotel in karimun jawa, the hotel above the sea, looks like old but nice to stay, if you want snorkeling and swimming just open the door and jump to the water. but to reach this spot you need boat and no worries, the boat is facilities from that hotel.

Another spot to stay The Nirwana Resort, this place its little bit higher than another spot, this hotel have private beach and good room as 3 stars hotel.

Nirwana Resort

View from Nirwana Beach Resort

The itinerary in karimun jawa is..snorkeling, scuba diving and trekking. compare with bali or lombok island snorkeling in karimun jawa its cheap than bali or lombok island.

and under water view its almost the same, but if you want another experience you can swim with shark or turtle.

Water World


and i have package for this trip, all in except for shopping hehehe…i’m flexible for negotiation this is my package

The Nemo Fish

Snorkeling package 4 day 3 night in karimun jawa island north java.

min 5 pax,.
price Rp.950.000/pax/person.
including :

-Meals 8 times.
-Boat for snorkeling.
-Snorkeling Equipment and life jacket.
-Ferry or fast Boat from semarang or jepara.
-2 days full snorkling.
-Transport from Airport to the harbor.
for further information just sent message

So Close with Bromo Eruption

Two month ago i’ve been visited bromo semeru national park with my travelers, at the time we didn’t know if bromo will be eruption, from pananjakan mountain we going down to the bromo caldera with four wheel drive.
we are so close just 1.5km from the bromo.

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